15 Questions You Could Ask in a Job Interview

15 Questions You Could Ask in a Job Interview

Now that your training course is finished, it’s time to start preparing to apply for jobs and interviews. If you can recall the last job interview you attended, chances are you may remember being asked if you had any questions to ask at the end. The end of an interview is your opportunity to gather important information about the company and the role, as well as make a lasting impression on the hiring manager. By asking thoughtful and insightful questions, you can demonstrate your interest in the position and your willingness to be an engaged and committed employee. So what are the right questions to ask? In this article, we’ll give you some ideas to help you research ahead and prepare the best follow-up questions to help you get that job offer.

What does a typical day in the life of this role look like?

This demonstrates that you are interested in the job and want to understand the day to day responsibilities that the role entails. It will also allow you to see if your skills and experience match up with what is required for this role.

What is the company culture like?

The company culture can have a huge impact on employee satisfaction and retention. Asking this question will demonstrate your interest in the job and also tell you whether or not it is a good match for you.

Do you offer professional development opportunities?

This question shows that you are interested in growth and development and want to know if the company will help you reach your goals. It also tells the employer that you are serious about your future within this company.

What are the next steps in the hiring process?

This will help you gauge how long it might take to hear back from the employer and, if necessary, prepare accordingly. Asking this question also shows that you are eager to progress through the selection process.

What are the long-term career prospects in this role?

This question demonstrates that you have considered the potential for advancement and want to ensure that there is a good chance of upward mobility within the organisation. It also shows your commitment to staying with the company if you are hired.

What do you enjoy most about working here?

This question will give you insight into the employer’s overall attitude and culture. It also allows you to learn more about what makes the job interesting and engaging from the perspective of someone who is already there.

What are your company’s values?

This question will help you understand the core values of the business and how they guide decision-making. It also shows that you are interested in ensuring your own personal values align with those of the organisation.

How would you describe someone who is a good fit for this role?

This question will give you an idea of the type of skills and qualities that the employer values most. It also provides more insight into the culture and working environment, so you can get a better understanding of what it would be like to work there. 

What challenges could I be facing in this role?

By asking this question, you can gain a better understanding of the complexities and obstacles that may arise during the performance of the job. It also provides an opportunity to demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and how you could help the company overcome these issues.

Can you tell me about my direct reports? (If applicable)

This question gives you an idea of the size and structure of the team, as well as any challenges that may exist. It’s also a great opportunity to find out more about your potential team members and how they collaborate together.

What type of support would I have in this role?

This question can help you understand the resources and support available to you to help you succeed in your role. It also provides insight into how much autonomy and responsibility you’ll have, as well as any expectations of involvement from other team members or departments.

How long on average do people stay with the company?

This question can give you a better understanding of the job stability and the longevity of the
role you are considering. It’s also useful to get a sense of how dedicated people in the company are to their roles and how much job satisfaction they typically find.

How is success measured in this role?

Knowing how success is measured in a role can help you understand what’s expected of you, as well as give you an idea of the opportunities available to advance in your career if you choose to stay with the company.

Is there anything else I can do for you to help you with your decisions?

This question shows you are enthusiastic about moving forward throughout the recruitment process.

Is there anything important I should know about working here?

By asking this question, you’re showing that you take great interest in understanding the company culture and values. Understanding the company culture can help ensure that your decision to work for the company is a good fit for both you and the organisation.

Prepare to Nail Your Next Job Interview

With this list of questions, you should be able to pick a couple that you can prepare to ask at your next job interview. Not only will you be able to gain a better understanding of the company, but this type of preparation will also demonstrate to your interviewer that you are serious about wanting to work for the organisation.

If you need any more help preparing for a career change or new job, be sure to check out the blog section of our website. We’ve put together all sorts of tips and tricks to help you land your dream job and get started on your new career path.


During a job interview, you want to show employers that you’re interested in the position itself and all it entails. To ensure your conversation remains professional while still conveying enthusiasm for the opportunity, be mindful of what questions are asked at its conclusion; remember not to bring up salary or benefits unless prompted by an interviewer! Steer clear from confrontational topics as well—things like enquiries about people who once held this role or another competing company (if ever). Focus on genuine queries regarding both corporate culture and specific duties associated with employment here–making sure each one has purpose builds trust. Finally, skip any inquiries deemed too personal, you don’t want to make the interviewer or hiring manager feel uncomfortable.

Taking the initiative to ask questions during your interview is a great way to demonstrate how enthusiastic you are about the position and that you have done your homework. But don’t feel obligated if no opportunity arises.

To make the best impression, one concise and well-thought out question is usually enough. However, if your interviewer leaves room for further discussion you can certainly delve deeper – just be mindful to not overpower the conversation!

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