A moment of Pride and Gratitude at Centacare Fremantle

A moment of Pride and Gratitude at Centacare Fremantle

As we approach the end of the year and in the spirit of the festive season, Richard Nettles, a student from the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program, gifted Centacare with an indigenous artwork he had painted himself to grace the walls of our Fremantle training site. 

Richard Nettles has an artistic streak and a passion for indigenous art. He started attending Centacare’s SEE Program in October 2021, hoping to improve his language, literacy and numeracy skills and upskill. During his LLN class, Richard was able to explore his creative talent through the program’s extracurricular activity day by making artwork and sharing his love for indigenous art with his peers. 

Two months ago, Richard decided to embark on creating the artwork. Every available moment he gets on site, he would spend on painting. This week, Richard presented the final piece to the class. All his peers, teacher and Centacare staff were in awe and appreciated his generous gesture.

Richard’s artwork for Centacare

The painting was made of acrylic paint and glitter on an impressive 1200mm by 1200mm canvas. According to Richard, the artwork portrayed Centacare as a meeting place where people from different cultures and backgrounds come together. 

Renu Gupta commented, “I am fortunate to have students like Richard. He has a friendly personality, and students here are always glad to have his presence in class. He has learned a lot from me, and I have learned a lot from him. It was a real pleasure to have witnessed Richard Nettles putting so much effort and time into completing this fabulous piece of art. He is so proud of making it and seeing it hung up on the walls in Fremantle.” 

We are grateful for Richard and all the students we serve. This meaningful artwork will be on display at Centacare Fremantle site for all students and teachers to admire for a long time.

For more information about Centacare’s SEE Program, CLICK HERE.

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